El presente sitio presenta diseños y proyectos realizados con Solidworks y otros programas 3d , además de laminas y modelos 3d para practicar en casa, con el único objetivo de poder aprender y explorar la capacidad de Solidworks, no existiendo en ningún caso fines de lucro.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Puerto Serial Virtual en Windows 7 8 8.1 PROTEUS / Creating virtual serial port in laptop

Posted by Juan Francisco | Saturday, July 11, 2015 | Category: |

vspe5serial ports are almost vanishing from laptops and PCs.
This post is about to create a virtual serial port where needed, for easy communication.
First we have to download a software named VSPE (Virtual Serial Port Emulator)
You can download the software from this link virtual serial port emulator.
 After downloading the VSPE install it.
Then open the software.
Creating virtual serial port in laptop
Then click to Create New device icon marked below by red circle.

Then this window will come.Click next,

Next window is showing the name of serial port,here is COM1


Then click finish.A virtual serial port named COM1 is created. Now run the serial port by clicking Start Simulation icon marked below by red circle.

Now a virtual serial port COM1 is running.
But why you need virtual port or what will be the application?
Well actually it was needed by me for simulation of serial port in MATLAB and Proteus.
The communication between MATLAB and Proteus was done by this virtual serial port.

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