Necessary Software:
1. Proteus 7.8 Professional2. MicroC Pro
3. PICKIT 2.61 Boot Loader
Necessary Equipment:
1. PIC 16F732. LCD 16x2
3. 20 MHz Oscillator
4. Variable resistor (5k Ώ, 1k Ώ, 50k Ώ)
5. 7805 Voltage Regulator
6. 7818 Voltage Regulator
7. LM317T Voltage Regulator
8. LM741 Op Amp
9. Push Button Switch
10. Resistor (1k Ώ, 220Ώ)
11. Capacitor (47, 10, 1, 0.1 uF)
12. Vero board
13. Heat Sink
Figure1: Block Diagram of whole system
Schematic Diagram:
Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of the circuit
· LM317 can give output of 3-37V . It can change its output voltage according to the adjust pin voltage.· PWM signal is generated from microcontroller. The signal is applied to RC low pass filter which makes a DC voltage level.
· This voltage is applied to Op Amp to get required gain.
· This amplified voltage is applied to LM317 adjust pin.
· From microcontroller we adjust the width of PWM signal. More width gives higher DC level.
· It also changes the adjust pin voltage which controls the output of LM317.
Final Output:
Possible Application:
· Smooth speed control of DC motor
· Valve control of liquid and gas flow.· Supply for different Electronic Circuit etc.
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